Class OpenApiJsonAdd

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class OpenApiJsonAdd
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements OpenApiMapper
    Adds JSON values into the generated OpenAPI model using a JSON Patch like "add" operation that also generated intermediate objects as needed. Any existing property is overwritten.

    This mapper is applied using the contents of openapi.jsonAdd. This is run after substitutions so it is unaffected by them.

    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenApiJsonAdd

        public OpenApiJsonAdd()
    • Method Detail

      • getOrder

        public byte getOrder()
        Description copied from interface: OpenApiMapper
        Gets the sort order of the plugin from -128 to 127.

        Plugins are applied according to this sort order. Lower values are executed before higher values (for example, -128 comes before 0, comes before 127). Plugins default to 0, which is the middle point between the minimum and maximum order values.

        Specified by:
        getOrder in interface OpenApiMapper
        Returns the sort order, defaulting to 0.
      • updateNode

        public ObjectNode updateNode​(Context<? extends Trait> context,
                                     OpenApi openapi,
                                     ObjectNode node)
        Description copied from interface: OpenApiMapper
        Modifies the Node/JSON representation of an OpenAPI object.
        Specified by:
        updateNode in interface OpenApiMapper
        context - Conversion context.
        openapi - OpenAPI object being converted to a node.
        node - OpenAPI object node.
        Returns the updated ObjectNode.