AndExpression |
And expression where both sides must return truthy values.
BinaryExpression |
Abstract class representing expressions that have a left and right side.
ComparatorExpression |
Compares the left and right expression using a comparator,
resulting in a boolean value.
CurrentExpression |
Gets the current node.
ExpressionTypeExpression |
Contains a reference to an expression that can be run zero or more
times by a function.
FieldExpression |
Gets a field by name from an object.
FilterProjectionExpression |
A projection that filters values using a comparison.
FlattenExpression |
Flattens the wrapped expression into an array.
FunctionExpression |
Executes a function by name using a list of argument expressions.
IndexExpression |
Gets a specific element by zero-based index.
LiteralExpression |
Represents a literal value.
MultiSelectHashExpression |
Creates an object using key-value pairs.
MultiSelectListExpression |
Selects one or more values into a created array.
NotExpression |
Negates an expression based on if the wrapped expression is truthy.
ObjectProjectionExpression |
A projection of object values.
OrExpression |
Or expression that returns the expression that returns a truthy value.
ProjectionExpression |
Iterates over each element in the array returned from the left expression,
passes it to the right expression, and returns the aggregated results.
SliceExpression |
Represents a slice expression, containing an optional zero-based
start offset, zero-based stop offset, and step.
Subexpression |
Visits the left expression and passes its result to the right expression.