Interface Tagged

All Known Implementing Classes:
BigDecimalShape, BigIntegerShape, BlobShape, BooleanShape, ByteShape, CollectionShape, DocumentShape, DoubleShape, EntityShape, EnumDefinition, EnumShape, FloatShape, HttpMalformedRequestTestCase, HttpMessageTestCase, HttpRequestTestCase, HttpResponseTestCase, IntegerShape, IntEnumShape, ListShape, LongShape, MapShape, MemberShape, NumberShape, OperationShape, ResourceShape, ServiceShape, SetShape, Shape, ShortShape, SimpleShape, SmokeTestCase, StringShape, StructureShape, TagsTrait, TimestampShape, UnionShape, Waiter

public interface Tagged
A type that contains tags.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default List<String>
    Gets the tags applied to an object.
    default boolean
    Checks if the value has the given tag by name.
  • Method Details

    • getTags

      default List<String> getTags()
      Gets the tags applied to an object.
      Returns the tag values.
    • hasTag

      default boolean hasTag(String tag)
      Checks if the value has the given tag by name.
      tag - Tag value to search for.
      Returns true if the tag is present.