Interface ValidatorService

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbbreviationNameValidator.Provider, CamelCaseValidator.Provider, EmitEachSelectorValidator.Provider, EmitNoneSelectorValidator.Provider, InputOutputStructureReuseValidator.Provider, MissingClientOptionalTrait.Provider, MissingPaginatedTraitValidator.Provider, MissingSensitiveTraitValidator.Provider, NoninclusiveTermsValidator.Provider, RepeatedShapeNameValidator.Provider, ReservedWordsValidator.Provider, ShouldHaveUsedTimestampValidator.Provider, StandardOperationVerbValidator.Provider, StutteredShapeNameValidator.Provider, UnreferencedShapeValidator.Provider, ValidatorService.Provider

public interface ValidatorService
Represents a service provider for configurable Validators that appear in Smithy models.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    Provides a simple abstraction for creating validator service subclasses.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createValidator(ObjectNode configuration)
    Creates a validator using configuration.
    static String
    Determines the name of a validator based on a class name.
    Gets the name of the validator.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the name of the validator.

      This name is used to find a matching validator configured in the Smithy model and match it to an implementation.

      Returns the name of the validator it creates.
    • createValidator

      Validator createValidator(ObjectNode configuration)
      Creates a validator using configuration.
      configuration - Validator configuration.
      Returns the created validator.
    • determineValidatorName

      static String determineValidatorName(Class<?> clazz)
      Determines the name of a validator based on a class name.

      This method returns the simple name of a class and strips off "Validator" from the end of the name if present.

      clazz - Class to determine the validator name of.
      Returns the validator name based on heuristics.