Class IoUtils


public final class IoUtils extends Object
Utilities for IO operations.
  • Method Details

    • toByteArray

      public static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream is)
      Reads and returns the rest of the given input stream as a byte array. Caller is responsible for closing the given input stream.
      is - The input stream to convert.
      The converted bytes.
    • toUtf8String

      public static String toUtf8String(InputStream is)
      Reads and returns the rest of the given input stream as a string. Caller is responsible for closing the given input stream.
      is - The input stream to convert.
      The converted string.
    • readUtf8File

      public static String readUtf8File(String path)
      Reads a file into a UTF-8 encoded string.
      path - Path to the file to read.
      Returns the contents of the file.
      RuntimeException - if the file can't be read or encoded.
    • readUtf8File

      public static String readUtf8File(Path path)
      Reads a file into a UTF-8 encoded string.
      path - Path to the file to read.
      Returns the contents of the file.
      RuntimeException - if the file can't be read or encoded.
    • readUtf8Resource

      public static String readUtf8Resource(ClassLoader classLoader, String resourcePath)
      Reads a class loader resource into a UTF-8 string.

      This is equivalent to reading the contents of an InputStream from ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(java.lang.String).

      classLoader - Class loader to load from.
      resourcePath - Path to the resource to load.
      Returns the loaded resource.
      UncheckedIOException - if the resource cannot be loaded.
    • readUtf8Resource

      public static String readUtf8Resource(Class<?> clazz, String resourcePath)
      Reads a class resource into a UTF-8 string.

      This is equivalent to reading the contents of an InputStream from Class.getResourceAsStream(String).

      clazz - Class to load from.
      resourcePath - Path to the resource to load.
      Returns the loaded resource.
      UncheckedIOException - if the resource cannot be loaded.
    • readUtf8Url

      public static String readUtf8Url(URL url)
      Reads a URL resource into a UTF-8 string.
      url - URL to load from.
      Returns the loaded resource.
      UncheckedIOException - if the resource cannot be loaded.
    • runCommand

      public static String runCommand(String command)
      Helper to run a process.

      stderr is redirected to stdout in the return value of this method.

      command - String that contains the command and arguments of the command.
      Returns the combined stdout and stderr of the process.
      RuntimeException - if the process returns a non-zero exit code or fails.
    • runCommand

      public static String runCommand(String command, Path directory)
      Helper to run a process.

      stderr is redirected to stdout in the return value of this method.

      command - String that contains the command and arguments of the command.
      directory - Directory to use as the working directory.
      Returns the combined stdout and stderr of the process.
      RuntimeException - if the process returns a non-zero exit code or fails.
    • runCommand

      public static int runCommand(String command, Path directory, Appendable output)
      Helper to run a process.

      stderr is redirected to stdout when writing to output. This method does not throw when a non-zero exit code is encountered. For any more complex use cases, use ProcessBuilder directly.

      command - String that contains the command and arguments of the command.
      directory - Directory to use as the working directory.
      output - Sink destination for lines from stdout and stderr of the process.
      Returns the exit code of the process.
    • runCommand

      public static int runCommand(String command, Path directory, Appendable output, Map<String,String> env)
      Helper to run a process.

      stderr is redirected to stdout when writing to output. This method does not throw when a non-zero exit code is encountered. For any more complex use cases, use ProcessBuilder directly.

      command - String that contains the command and arguments of the command.
      directory - Directory to use as the working directory.
      output - Sink destination for lines from stdout and stderr of the process.
      env - Environment variables to set, possibly overriding specific inherited variables.
      Returns the exit code of the process.
    • runCommand

      public static int runCommand(List<String> args, Path directory, Appendable output, Map<String,String> env)
      Helper to run a process.

      stderr is redirected to stdout when writing to output. This method does not throw when a non-zero exit code is encountered. For any more complex use cases, use ProcessBuilder directly.

      args - List containing the program and the arguments.
      directory - Directory to use as the working directory.
      output - Sink destination for lines from stdout and stderr of the process.
      env - Environment variables to set, possibly overriding specific inherited variables.
      Returns the exit code of the process.
    • runCommand

      public static int runCommand(List<String> args, Path directory, InputStream input, Appendable output, Map<String,String> env)
      Helper to run a process.

      stderr is redirected to stdout when writing to output This method does not throw when a non-zero exit code is encountered. For any more complex use cases, use ProcessBuilder directly.

      args - List containing the program and the arguments.
      directory - Directory to use as the working directory.
      input - Data to write to the stdin of the process. Use null to send no input.
      output - Sink destination for lines from stdout and stderr of the process.
      env - Environment variables to set, possibly overriding specific inherited variables.
      Returns the exit code of the process.
    • rmdir

      public static boolean rmdir(Path dir)
      Delete a directory and all files within.

      Any found symlink is deleted, but the contents of a symlink are not deleted.

      dir - Directory to delete.
      Returns true if the directory was deleted, or false if the directory does not exist.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given path is not a directory.
      RuntimeException - if unable to delete a file or directory.
    • copyDir

      public static void copyDir(Path src, Path dest)