ClassDescriptionAbstract builder used to create
s.Represents ainteger
shape.Builder used to create aBigDecimalShape
.Represents ainteger
shape.Builder used to create aBigIntegerShape
.Represents ablob
shape.Builder used to create aBlobShape
.Represents aboolean
shape.Builder used to create aBooleanShape
.Represents abyte
shape.Builder used to create aByteShape
.Abstract class representing Set and List shapes.Builder used to create a List or Set shape.Represents adocument
shape.Builder used to create aDocumentShape
.Represents adouble
shape.Builder used to create aDoubleShape
.Abstract class representing service and resource shapes.Builder used to create a Service or Resource shape.Represents ainteger
shape.Builder used to create aFloatShape
.Represents aninteger
shape.Builder used to create aIntegerShape
.Builder used to create aIntegerShape
.Represents alist
shape.Builder used to create aListShape
.Represents ainteger
shape.Builder used to create aLongShape
.Represents amap
shape.Builder used to create aListShape
.Represents a member that targets another shape by ID.Builder used to create aMemberShape
.Serializes aModel
to anObjectNode
.Builder used to createModelSerializer
.Abstract class representing all numeric types.Represents an API operation.Builder used to create aOperationShape
.Represents aresource
shape.Builder used to create aResourceShape
.Represents aservice
shape.Builder used to create aServiceShape
.Deprecated.Builder used to create aSetShape
defines a model component.Immutable identifier for each shape in a model.Represents a shape ID syntax error.An enumeration of the different types in a model.ShapeVisitor<R>Shape visitor pattern.CreatesShapeVisitor
that return a value when necessary when visiting shapes.Represents ashort
shape.Builder used to create aShortShape
.Abstract class representing all simple type shapes.Serializes aModel
into a set of Smithy IDL files.Builder used to createSmithyIdlModelSerializer
.Represents astring
shape.Builder used to create aStringShape
.Structure shape that maps shape names to members.Builder used to create aStructureShape
.Represents atimestamp
shape.Builder used to create aTimestampShape
.Interface used to convert a shape to a ShapeId.Tagged union shape that maps member names to member definitions.Builder used to create aUnionShape